発行日2025-02-26 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1792091 登録日2025-02-17 意匠に係る物品Power supply module 意匠分類H2-29(回転電気機械、配電機械器具) 出願番号2023504292,2023303430567 出願日 意匠権者Shenzhen Contemporary E-Energy Technology Co., Limited 代理人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明1. The name of this design product: power supply module; 2. The purpose of this design product is to assemble printed circuit boards for high-voltage charging modules and power supplies; 3. The design points of this design product is its shape, lines, and layout of electronic components; 4. The picture or photograph that best illustrates the main points of the design: stereogram of component 1; 5. Design products are component products, including component 1 and component 2. 1.1)Top; 1.2)Back; 1.3)Stereogram; 1.4)Bottom; 1.5)Right; 1.6)Front; 1.7)Left; 1.8)Top; 1.9)Back; 1.10)Stereogram; 1.11)Bottom; 1.12)Right; 1.13)Front; 1.14)Left; 1.15)Top; 1.16)Back; 1.17)Stereogram; 1.18)Bottom; 1.19)Right; 1.20)Front; 1.21)Left この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する