発行日2025-02-04 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1790599 登録日2025-01-27 意匠に係る物品Air purifier 意匠分類D4-340(暖冷房機又は空調換気機器) 出願番号2022503208 出願日 意匠権者EASYNETWORKS CO., LTD. 代理人個人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明Reproduction 1.10 is a reference view which shows the industrial design in use or practice; All subject matter shown in background other than the industrial design which is represented is disclaimed and forms no part of the industrial design. 1.1)Perspective; 1.2)Front; 1.3)Back; 1.4)Left; 1.5)Right; 1.6)Top; 1.7)Bottom; 1.8)Reference; 1.9)Partial view; 1.10)Reference この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する