発行日2024-11-19 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1785026 登録日2024-11-11 意匠に係る物品Cap for packaging container 意匠分類F4-91200(包装紙、包装用容器等) 出願番号2022502243,29/832448 出願日 意匠権者The Procter & Gamble Company 代理人弁理士法人東京アルパ特許事務所,個人 意匠に係る物品の説明This Design application is a cap of rolled-packaging container. 7.1)(Perspective view)is upside down of a cap. Inside of 7.6)(Top view)is empty and would be bottom-side of a cap. 7.7)(Bottom view)would be a top-side because it is closed. 7.6)(Top view)is used to fit the opening of the packaging container(figure not shown). 意匠の説明The gray-scale shading shown in design 7 illustrates contrasts in color and particular shades do not correspond to any particular color. The shading does not represent a granulated surface. 7.1)Perspective view; 7.2)Front view; 7.3)Back view; 7.4)Right-side view; 7.5)Left-side view; 7.6)Top view; 7.7)Bottom view; 7.8)A-A cross-section view. この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する