発行日2024-11-06 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1783937 登録日2024-10-28 意匠に係る物品Medical rehabilitation apparatus 意匠分類J7-70(医療機械器具) 出願番号2024500268,402023000002514 出願日 意匠権者REWING S.R.L. 代理人弁理士法人鈴榮特許綜合事務所 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明Fig. 1.1 is a perspective view of the design; fig. 1.2 is a left view thereof; fig. 1.3 is a right view thereof; fig. 1.4 is a front view thereof; fig. 1.5 is a rear view thereof; fig. 1.6 is a top view thereof; fig. 1.7 is a bottom view thereof; the name of the claimed design product: medical rehabilitation apparatus; the purpose of the claimed design product: to be used as a medical rehabilitation; the relevant feature of the claimed design product: shape; the figure or photograph that shows better the main points of the design: perspective view; the parts shown in broken lines are for illustrative purposes only and form no parts of the claimed design. 1.1)Perspective; 1.2)Left; 1.3)Right; 1.4)Front; 1.5)Back; 1.6)Top; 1.7)Bottom この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する