発行日2024-09-17 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1780053 登録日2024-09-06 意匠に係る物品Stove [heating] 意匠分類D4-170(暖冷房機又は空調換気機器) 出願番号2022502620 出願日 意匠権者OOO ”GRILLD” 代理人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明The main elements of the artistic solution of the industrial design are the facing panels of the furnace body, the upper panel of the body with an external heater bowl and a convection grill; the lining of the furnace body is composite and is a vertically oriented rectangular parallelepiped consisting of a metal base on which side tinted heat-resistant glass panels are mounted, and an upper panel with rounded corners made of the same material as the side panels, while the upper panel and the base of the frame protrude slightly beyond the side panels; on the upper panel of the furnace body there is a convection grate horizontally relative to each other and a rectangular bowl deepened inside the furnace body for laying heat-accumulating materials; the upper panel holds the side panels of the furnace body and is attached to the internal structure of the device using fasteners visible from the outside. 1.1)Perspective; 1.2)Front; 1.3)Back; 1.4)Left; 1.5)Right; 1.6)Top; 1.7)Bottom この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する