発行日2024-08-27 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1778552 登録日2024-08-19 意匠に係る物品Hand-operated instrument and tool for laboratories 意匠分類K6-74(化学機械器具) 出願番号2023501568,009197908-0002 出願日 意匠権者Eppendorf SE 代理人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明The characteristic features of the design lie in the combination of the shape of the laboratory instrument as shown; it is a rectangular laboratory instrument with rounded edges and two viewing windows, right and left, and a glass door at the front; a long handle is attached to the bottom of the glass door, which can be used to open the door; inside the design, a robotic arm can be seen at the top left, which can be moved to the right via the rail attached to the inside in the rear part of the instrument; the outer lower part of the laboratory instrument is surrounded by a dark-colored strip, which makes up approx. 1/5 of the height of the instrument. 2.1)Back; 2.2)Front; 2.3)Bottom; 2.4)Left; 2.5)Perspective; 2.6)Right; 2.7)Top この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する