発行日2024-08-14 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1777699 登録日2024-08-05 意匠に係る物品Packaging for foodstuffs 意匠分類F4-711(包装紙、包装用容器等) 出願番号2023500710,202330123063.6 出願日 意匠権者Dalian HongRun LianHua Food Co., Ltd. 代理人個人,個人,個人,個人,個人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明The design is used for noodle packaging. The feature of the design is in the pattern, the shape and the combination of the pattern and the shape; the main point of the design is best illustrated in perspective view, such as reproduction 2.7. この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する