発行日2023-12-12 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1759361 登録日2023-12-04 意匠に係る物品Linear surgical stapler 意匠分類J7-41(医療機械器具) 出願番号2022503217,29/842,581 出願日 意匠権者Cilag GmbH International 代理人個人,個人,個人,個人,個人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明Title: linear surgical stapler; usage of design: the product incorporating the design is a linear surgical stapler that can be used to staple tissue; drawing list: 2.1: front perspective view of a linear surgical stapler according to a second design; 2.2: rear perspective view of 2.1; 2.3: front elevational view of 2.1; 2.4: rear elevational view of 2.1; 2.5: left side elevational view of 2.1; 2.6: right side elevational view of 2.1; 2.7: top plan view of 2.1; and 2.8: bottom plan view of 2.1. key point of design: shape of the product. 2.1)Front perspective; 2.2)Rear perspective; 2.3)Front; 2.4)Back; 2.5)Left; 2.6)Right; 2.7)Top; 2.8)Bottom この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する