発行日2024-08-21 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1778247 登録日2024-08-13 意匠に係る物品Sewing machine 意匠分類K5-2300(繊維機械及びミシン) 出願番号2022502567 出願日 意匠権者Durkopp Adler GmbH 代理人個人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明1. Name of the products incorporating the design is ”sewing machine”; 2. The product incorporating the design is a sewing machine; 3. The essential features of the design lie in the shape of the product; 4. The designated view: perspective view (fig. 3.7); 5. The curved lines shown in the reproductions 3.1-3.4, 3.7 indicate the indeterminate length of the design.
意匠ウォッチbot のツイートを見る