発行日2024-04-09 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1767833 登録日2024-04-01 意匠に係る物品Anti-wrinkle appliance 意匠分類C4-000(家庭用保健衛生用品) 出願番号2022503834,WIPO118346 出願日 意匠権者Triple A Finance GmbH & Co. KG 代理人個人,個人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明The essential feature of this Anti-wrinkle appliance lies in the shape of product incorporating the design. This Anti-wrinkle appliance is used as followings. (i)The treatment comprises spraying highly concentrated oxygen molecules directly into the epidermis(the outer layer of the skin)so as to nourish the skin and to promote collagen growth. (ii)The device is used by engaging its treatment head with the skin. この意匠をJ-PlatPatで参照する