発行日2024-03-12 公報種別意匠公報(S) 登録番号1765451 登録日2024-03-04 意匠に係る物品Shoe 意匠分類B5-500(履物) 出願番号2023501837 出願日 意匠権者HERMES SELLIER (Societe par actions simplifiee) 代理人 意匠に係る物品の説明 意匠の説明The characteristic features of the design reside in the shape of the heel of each shoe as shown; the parts in red represent features that are not claimed; the reproductions of designs no. 2 show the left shoes, the corresponding right shoes being the mirror image of those shown in the reproductions. 2.1)Perspective; 2.2)Front; 2.3)Back; 2.4)Right; 2.5)Left; 2.6)Top; 2.7)Bottom
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